Friday, December 23, 2016Candles, lights and decorations are an essential part of the holiday season. Unfortunately, they also increase the risk of fire and injury. Each year fires occurring during the holiday season injure nearly 3,000 individuals and cause over $900 million in damage.* READ MORE >>
Friday, December 16, 2016Santa may know who is naughty and nice, but does he know how to keep his global gift giving enterprise running on all cylinders? Presents break, elves get sick and even Santa’s sleigh may get into a crash, but according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 9, 2016You probably don't think about it until happens. How many assets do you own that are high-value items either in terms of monetary or sentimental value? Your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover everything you own and the items it does cover are only partially insured if they're high-priced items. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 2, 2016If you and the guy who wants to steal your television sat down to shoot the breeze, what would you ask him? The chance to pick a burglar’s brain could certainly give you some ideas for home security upgrades, but it’s not a very common opportunity. So, we created some fictional burglar monologues (based on real research). READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 23, 2016With millions of Americans traveling to see family and friends for the Thanksgiving holiday, remember to take a few steps to prepare your home so that you avoid returning to a big mess and an insurance claim, says the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI). READ MORE >>
Friday, November 18, 2016With so many people traveling to visit family friends over Thanksgiving, there are likely to be long lines at rental car companies across the country, Properly insuring a rental car can be tricky. Unfortunately, many consumers don't even think about car rental insurance until they get to the coun... READ MORE >>
Friday, November 4, 2016When shopping for the best auto insurance rates, you'll find a recurring theme in the information that prospective insurers collect in order to quote the cost of a premium. Common questions such as your name, social security number, zip code, car make and model, and estimated miles driven each week, are probably expected. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 28, 2016When zombies, Snookies, and Lady Gagas storm your front door this weekend, don’t fear! Your homeowners insurance will protect you from Halloween mishaps. Halloween is all fun and games until a trick-or-treater trips, knocks over your jack-o-lantern, and sets your front porch on fire. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 21, 2016Soon, ghouls, goblins and The Little Mermaid will be at your front door. Are you prepared? We aren’t talking candy-bought, decorations-up prepared. We mean, what happens if Glenda the Good Witch breaks her arm or your house is egged? Are you covered for that? Or will a night of tricks and treats become an expensive horror? READ MORE >>
Friday, October 14, 2016With Halloween just around the corner, children’s thoughts turn to candy and costumes. Their parents and grandparents should be focusing on more macabre matters — like the life insurance policies they bought (or are thinking of buying) to secure the financial future of these little ghosts and goblins if a key provider dies. READ MORE >>
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