Armar Insurance Agency, LLC Blog: insurance
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Friday, October 7, 2016You may already know the importance of shopping around to score the best rate on your auto insurance premiums, but did you know that certain factors (or the absence of them) could cause your insurance premiums to rise? READ MORE >>
Friday, September 16, 2016You buy insurance to protect your home and car from damage, but when an accident happens, is it in your best interest to file a claim? It seems like the answer should be a resounding "yes," but a middling "maybe" is a far better response. Why the ambiguity? READ MORE >>
Monday, May 27, 2013 Ever wonder if there is a secret to happiness? Dan Buettner is a longevity expert who has long studied what it takes to live to be 100. Not surprisingly, he’s found that happy people live longer. So, here are his ten tips for a happier life: READ MORE >>
Friday, May 3, 2013There are two types of disability policies: Short-Term Disability (STD) and Long-Term Disability (LTD): Short-Term Disability policies (STD) have a waiting period of 0 to 14 days with a maximum benefit period of no longer than two years. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 1, 2013There are ways to save money when buying life insurance, but they don’t always entail paying a lower premium immediately. As your top priority, look for a policy that meets your needs. Buying the wrong benefits for a low premium is a waste, not a saving. Beyond that, here are some ways to maximize your life insurance dollars. READ MORE >>
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